USS Columbia
This project started out as me playing with ideas for how to paint a model of the Enterprise. I wanted to move past the flat views in Photoshop and made use of a 3D rendering tool that was include to flesh it out a bit more.

Wanting to see if I could do more, I started hunting through my software collection to see what I had on hand. I found an old copy of StrataVision 3D 4.0 (a free entry level modeling app) and started playing with it.

I began to wonder if I could achieve more with this software... and why better models of the Enterprise (or starfleet ships in general) hadn't real been made before around 2000. This software was from 1994, so I decided to try an all vintage attempt at a simple design, a scout.

I set up my old Apple PowerBook 3400c/200 with a copy of StrataVision and used the version of Photoshop I had installed on it (5.5) to see what I could come up with. The biggest hurdle was that I couldn't directly bring illustrations into the app to trace. I could bring in crude curves to trace, but a lot of what I did was roughly drawn by hand.

This was the start of my primary hull.

I spent about a month at the end of 2006 playing with this, seeing what I could get.

I was pretty happy with the results...

Click to enlarge

... enough to want to attempt something like the actual Enterprise (which I did as the Constellation). I ran across the higher end version of this software on ebay, Strata Studio Pro 1.5 (also from 1994) a bought it to see if that would help advance project.

Oddly enough, the best part of getting Strata Studio Pro was that it came with a ton of printed manuals I could flip through. That helped me learn more about what was possible.

Eventually I brought elements from my Constellation model back to the scout model. This was the last set of renderings I did (as a destroyer for someone) of that model.

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