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January 1992 |

Abacus ships Mac emulator
by Dan Lavin
Albuquerque, NM: NeXT users can now run Macintosh software in a NeXT window, thanks to the Executor-MSW software emulator from Abacus Research and Development (ARDI). The $80 product was officially released in late December and is being demonstrated at this week's Expo.
This current release is guaranteed to run only Microsoft Word for the Macintosh Version 4.00d on the NeXT, although the software will import any Macintosh program and attempt to run it. Although many other applications will run successfully, the company conceded that most major programs except Word will probably have bugs.
Executor does not include emulation of the Apple Finder. Because the program goes directly to the execution of the selected program, Mac desk accessories do not function.
Abacus plans to release another product in late February, called Executor-Excel, that will be tailored to Ð and guaranteed to run Ð Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh. In addition, a future product will allow users to run any Macintosh program. Future releases will also support System 7.0, color, sound, and printing.
The biggest challenge for ARDI may be in the legal arena, rather than the market, but ARDI President Clifford Matthews said that Apple has not charged ARDI with copyright infringement. "We've always felt our product does not infringe, and the fact they've made no noise yet can only be taken as a good sign," he said. Apple could not be reached for comment.
ARDI is at 1650 University Blvd. N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87102. 505/766-9115.