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March 1992 |

NeXT Computer has begun shipping its new line of Turbo workstations, announced at NeXTWORLD Expo in January. The systems feature a 33MHz version of the Motorola 68040 microprocessor. List prices range from $5995 for a base configuration to $9995 for a system configured with 16MB of RAM and a 400MB hard disk.
Mike Slade was recently promoted to the newly created position of vice-president of marketing at NeXT. Slade masterminded NeXT's recent launch of the Turbo workstation line, the company's new national advertising campaign, and its announcement at NeXTWORLD Expo of NeXTstep '486, according to a company spokesperson. A former Microsoft executive, Slade joined NeXT last year and most recently was director of marketing. He will continue to report to Todd Rulon-Miller, vice-president of sales and marketing.
ANDI, the recently founded Association of NeXTstep Developers International, has announced membership pricing. Individual developers may now join for $275 per year, for which they will receive an e-mail account and UUCP connection, on-line technical support, access to an on-line software library, and an electronic ANDI newsletter. User-groups memberships cost $175 per year. Government developers can join for $1000 per year for one site, and corporate developers, dealers, resellers, and OEMs can all join for $1500 per year for one site. Multiple-site discounts are also available. These groups receive the same services as individual developers as well as 5MB of on-line storage and a private conferencing area on the network. For more information, contact ANDI at 301/681-3932, strehl@socrates.umd.edu., or CompuServe 73130.3135.
ARDI (Abacus Research and Development), of Albuquerque, New Mexico, has shipped Version 1.1 of its Macintosh emulator for the NeXT, Executor-MSW. This version supports limited printing, as promised. The upgrade is free to registered users. The price of the product is $80. ARDI: 505/766-9115.
Protec Print Aps, a maker of customized keyboard keys, is now making keycaps for NeXT keyboards. More than a dozen orders have been filled, primarily to European integrators. Cost for 100 sets of 25 keys is between $1 and $1.50 per key. "We can basically print anything on the keys, in any color," said Eric Adler, a company sales manager. Protec Print Aps: P.O. Box 245, Bakkegaardsvej 406A, DK-3050 Humlebaek, Copenhagen, Denmark. 45/42/19-06-44.
MediaView is now available on the Purdue University archive. The multimedia digital publication is owned by the Regents of the University of California, which manages the Los Alamos National Laboratory archive. Custom components make MediaView extensible. The source for two of the components is currently on the archive, as well as a document which describes their API. There are also 10 MediaView demo documents available.
Correction: In the February 1992 NeXTWORLD Extra, the phone number for HSD Microcomputer US was incorrect. The correct number is 800/828-5522.