
The Info menu provides information on the application, as well as ways to register the application and to communicate with its author.

The Info menu contains the following commands:

Info Panel...  Brings up a panel that tells you the program's name, author, version, and release date.
Preferences...  Allows you to customize the program to suit your tastes.
Release Notes...  Displays the help page that describes what's new in this version of Chronographer.
Web site...  Opens Chronographer's official home page,, in your web browser.  The browser used can be specified in preferences.
Mailing List...  A mailing list for announcements about Chronographer has been created.  Whenever a new version of Chronographer is released, an announcement of the release will be posted to the list.  If you would like to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the list, use this command.  It will open a panel which will allow you to subscribe or unsubscribe simply by pressing a button.
Send Suggestion...  If you encounter problems or have an idea for a feature or other way to improve Chronographer, you can use this command to send a suggestion to the author by email.
Show Menus  Brings all of the application's menus on the screen at once so you can familiarize yourself with the menu structure.  Once Show Menus is selected, its name is changed to Hide Menus.  To get rid of the menus, choose Hide Menus.
Help...  Brings the Help Panel to the screen, but you knew that already, didn't you?