Schedule Preferences

The schedule preferences determine which hours schedules display and how they behave.

The following controls are available:

Schedule Times.  These controls allow you to specify which hours begin and end the schedules.  The First Hour is the hour at which schedules begin, and the Last Hour is the hour at which schedules end.  To change an hour, click on the arrow buttons next to it.
The Schedule Times also affect the summary period of the Roles & Goals window.  The summary period begins and ends at the First Hour time.
Advance schedule on unhide. Normally, whenever you unhide Chronographer, if you have a schedule set to the current day, it advances that schedule to the current time.  Uncheck this box to disable this feature.
Center day button bar. The day button bar in the schedule window normally always starts with the first day of the week.  If you would prefer to have the bar centered on the selected day, check this box.