Week schedules

Week schedules display an entire week and its appointments and to-do items.  Each day of the week is represented by a schedule column which works exactly like a day schedule.  Above each day's schedule is a to-do list for that day.  The to-do lists work exactly like the to-do list in the left half of the schedule window, except that they don't display priorities or completion statuses.  You can change the amount of space the to-do lists and schedules use by dragging the line between them.

Like the day schedule, each line on the week schedule represents the time period between the time listed on that line and the time listed on the next line.  The amount of time which each line covers may be set by the Detail pop-up list.  The detail level of the week schedule is independent of the detail level of the day schedule.

The hours at which the schedules begin and end are controlled by the same preferences which control the hours of the day schedules, thus, unlike the detail level, the schedule hours of the week schedule are not independent of those of the day schedule.

Clicking in a day's column makes that day the currently selected day.  The selected day is indicated by a darker background for its name.

The week schedule operates just like the day schedule.  See the section on the day schedule for a description of it.

The week schedule in this version of Chronographer has one limitation:  multiple selections of appointments cannot be made across days.  If you want to cut, copy, or delete appointments which span several days, you'll have to do one operation for each day.